Medical Equipment Rentals

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Medical Equipment Rentals


Items we rent:

  • Hospital Stretchers
  • Specialty Stretchers
  • Surgical Tables
  • Surgical Lights (Portable)
  • Defibrillators
  • AEDs
  • Patient Monitors
  • Anesthesia Monitors
  • Infusion Pumps
  • Syringe Pumps
  • Suction Pumps
  • Crash/Emergency Carts
  • Med Carts
  • Operating Microscopes

Renting, in general, has usually been seen as “money down the drain.” It has been given the stigma of a poor decision and sometimes this is the case.  In the medical industry there are a few things to consider before leaving the idea behind and rushing to purchase equipment to fulfill your needs.

  1. Temporary Needs: There are instances when the need for healthcare service peaks. This may be due to unusually high population (large events, winter migrations, etc). Also, in times of crisis (Pandemics, etc) this can be a perfect option for a short term surge.
  2. Verifying Need: Medical Equipment purchases are usually large investments that must be thought through with care. Not only in terms of initial investment but also functionality, consumables, brand trust, repair service and maintenance. Medical equipment rentals can be seen as a test run to see if the equipment perceived as “needed” is truly required.
  3. Test Cases / Unique Procedures: It’s possible that your facility may have a surgeon that will be doing a few specialized procedures that require a specific medical equipment rental. Why purchase an item only for it to sit for months after without being used? Renting makes perfect sense in this scenario.

Let’s explain in more detail:

  • Functionality: It may seem self explanatory but when renting/buying a piece of equipment it is important make sure to limit the functions to what is needed, as much as possible. It is nice to have a cutting edge device, but is the price really worth having extra features that won’t ever be used?
  • Consumables: Not everything requires a consumable or disposable to operate but it is an important aspect when making a decision between options or at least a good number to keep in mind before committing. Think about it as you would an ink jet printer. Is it worth buying a good quality printer, but each ink color is worth more than the whole printer? This comparison is much the same.
  • Brand Trust:  Venture Medical only offers rental equipment from trusted manufacturer’s like Stryker, Steris, Hausted, Hill Rom, Medtronic, Physio Control,  Zoll, Hospira, Baxter, and more. There are a few brands that we are more comfortable than other. Being able to rely on a brand with a good track record is something to consider and it can cause the scale to tip in one direction or another when making a comparison, sometimes even above money.
  • Repair Service and Maintenance:  This is extremely important for rentals.  The equipment must be tested thoroughly and certified for safe use prior to operation, which Venture Medical ensures. Also, having the confidence that if the equipment fails or malfunctions, it will get serviced by a professional technician and reduce your down time to a minimum, or a replacement will be sent.

In Conclusion, one element that is not on this list and can help you decide in a moment of need is the company you are buying or renting from. Companies like Venture Medical Requip have the knowledge, the stock and the customer service you need in a moment of need. Venture Medical’s sales team is trained to ask the right questions and provide the right devices to match your needs, with expert advice and detailed information. During times of perceived chaos,  Venture Medical is always there to help. With our dedicated and trained service technicians, ready to troubleshoot and help with your rental equipment.